Vernal is known to some for the dinosaurs. We have a nice museum, that I am ashamed to say it, have yet to actually go to. Not to far away is a national park that you can go and see where some of the fossils have been found. Anyway this dino is off to the side of the post office. That is the building behind it. For all the major holidays they have him dressed up and items, such as the heart, around him. I could not help but take a picture of him when I saw him the other day. I am in my banks parking lot. I have been thinking that it might be fun to take a picture of him every time he changes and then make a vernal calendar for the following year. The kids love to see him. I am actually impressed with how good of a picture this is because I am a cross a busy street from the statue.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Our City's Pet.
Vernal is known to some for the dinosaurs. We have a nice museum, that I am ashamed to say it, have yet to actually go to. Not to far away is a national park that you can go and see where some of the fossils have been found. Anyway this dino is off to the side of the post office. That is the building behind it. For all the major holidays they have him dressed up and items, such as the heart, around him. I could not help but take a picture of him when I saw him the other day. I am in my banks parking lot. I have been thinking that it might be fun to take a picture of him every time he changes and then make a vernal calendar for the following year. The kids love to see him. I am actually impressed with how good of a picture this is because I am a cross a busy street from the statue.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
The Van
So this is January 25th's picture because the van caused me trouble yesterday. Daisy called me about 10:30 because she couldn't stop coughing. So much so that it was hurting her tummy. So I went to pick her up, and noticed that I needed some gas. I went up to the gas station turned off the van, put $20 dollars of gas in. When I got back in to go, the van wouldn't start! It just made a clicking noise. Well, I don't have a cell phone, or Willie's work cell phone number memorized. . So I called our Aunt Norma. But she was not home, because she was out paying a few bills then coming to my house to pick up some address labels I had printed out for her. So then I called 411 to get the number to the office at Willie's work. Which I wrote down wrong (not being able to hear due to cars passing because I was using a pay phone.) and no one picked up. So I told the gas attendant what was going on. I was at one of those gas stations that are in front of a grocery store. I had Daisy, John, and Taylor with me. I took them over to the store and got them a drink and a corndog from the deli. After they where done eating I got some medicine for Daisy's cough. Then I went back to the pay phone praying that Aunt Norma was home. Thankfully she was. She called Willie for me and he got there about 15 to 20 minutes later. He found out that the battery had died on me. The whole ordeal took about 45 minutes to an hour in 14 degree weather. Which made John and Taylor late for school. But thank God it was just the battery and nothing more. Today we went to Wal-mart and replaced it.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Daisy's haircut
Since we moved here Daisy had gotten gum stuck in her hair twice and silly putty once. So we have a rule of no chewing gum for the kids. Well Saturday Willie brought me home a pack of gum, because he was at the store and saw a flavor he thought I would like. I opened the pack and we each had a piece. Daisy came in and asked if she could have a piece and I said no.
A while later we heard Marybeth say, "You have gum!? I'm telling!" So I went in to investigate. Well she opened her mouth and I didn't see any gum, but she slowly turned with this smile that gave her away. So I gave her a little lecture and told her we lost the Library this Friday. I thought the problem was solved. Well later that night I looked and noticed that another piece was missing. Thought Willie might have had another piece.
Then Tuesday morning when I asked Daisy to bring me a brush so I could help her brush it out. She held part of her hair and said I have something in it that I can't get out. Well after pulling her hair apart I discovered that she had gum in her hair!!! I couldn't believe it.
Well, last night got busy, so tonight after school I took her down to Walmart's hair salon, and she got her hair not just cut but chopped off. Here is a picture:
Yes chopped! See why I said morn the loss of her hair. Ok, I know what you are thinking... peanut butter will get it out with no problem. But here, has her mom is what I was thinking. Maybe if I get the hair, that she has worked so hard at growing out, cut above the wad of gum it will be a lesson to her. Nothing else has worked so it was worth a shot. So we will see if this is a good lesson or not...
So that is the story of the loss of Daisy long hair. It was almost to her waist. The lady at the salon could not believe I was doing that. Just before she went to bed she told me that she was getting used to it and liked it.
Oh and she loved school again today.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Hard to Believe

The picture above was taken on her first Day of second grade. Which was in August of 2007. But today she was put into the 3rd grade! Mostly because the school she attended in Arizona was a very good school and taught her a lot. So much in fact that this year she was really bored. So after talking and fighting with one school for over 4 months. I switched schools and they put her in the third grade.
Today when she came home from school she had a long missing smile on her face. She was happy and excited about the day she had. I asked (like always) did you learn anything today, which the answer has been no. But today the answer was yes! She went to the school library with her class, and found out that she could check out 2 books and didn't have restrictions on what books she could check out. She was able to get a book by her favorite author. (which writes probably sixth grade level or better) She was really excited by that fact!
Any way it was such a relief this afternoon to see both girls come threw the door happy and excited about school. I know Daisy will probably have her up and down days where she is trying to learn new stuff and play a bit of a catch up game. But I really do think that she will welcome and enjoy the challenge.
Other ways of seeing us is on Myspace which I am on all the time! I love it, I have gotten back in touch with many old and dear friends. Some I didn't think I would ever get to hear from again. So if you want to see my page there that is the link. Also Willie has a page as well. But does not get a chance to get on it very often.