Thursday, September 11, 2008

What I love about Utah!

Growing up where I did you did not see much of this. One day it would be hot and windy the next it seemed like it was cool and windy. Ever since I moved to Utah the first time, I have loved the changing of the seasons. I would drive from Layton to Logan a lot those first couple of years and the canyon that you go threw was always so pretty. I love being able to feel that fall is coming not just know that it is. The changing of the seasons is something I really missed in Arizona too. I took these pictures last night of one of the trees in the front yard. Daisy came in a couple of days ago and said yep it is defiantly almost fall. I asked what made her think that, she said you can
see the signs of it in the trees. She had me come and look at the tree, and she was right.

Things are going good here. We are all falling into our schedule. Work has been great. I started on a register last night. I had some one shadow me for about 45 minutes and I was doing so well that they left me on my own for the night. I had a few questions now and then but that is normal. But I got the costumers threw the line fast and made several people happy. So I feel like I did a good job. Well off to house work.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Trying to keep track of it all.

I have been going non-stop for a week now. Last Tuesday I sat John down to do his homework for the first day of school. He had to glue things to the page to spell his name. We decided on marshmallows and Fruit Loops. I enjoyed watching him do this project he very carefully put each piece on making sure they were all just so, and when he would go to put something on the page he would stick his tongue out. It was so cute and he was so proud of himself. He also did every other letter with the cereal or marshmallows.

Then the next day was time for school. He was so excited. I explained to him the night before that un-like last year, this would be John's class, and John's friends. That Taylor would not be involved with him this year. He liked the sound of that. He was very patient last year with Taylor always being around in Pre-school... but it is defiantly time for him to be on his own.

This picture was taken of Daisy, Marybeth, and John just before we headed down to the bus stop. He was really excited about going not so excited about the hug he was getting. I couldn't have asked for a better picture... well maybe... Taylor is missing.

I was worried about the bus. Last year every time he would go to get on the bus to go to Head Start he would cry until the bus was pulling away and then he was fine. Well this year he was the first one on the bus. I could hardly get his picture he went up the steps so fast. He was ready to go and get the year started. He loves his class and school. He comes off the bus in the afternoon with a great big grin. I have also found that John is a lot easier to get ready for school than the girls are. He does not take nearly as long and I don't have to even tell him what needs to be done to get ready.

So what am I trying to keep track of. Well Taylor also started one of 2 pre-school last week. She goes Tuesdays and Thursdays for that. So it is get the older three to the bus stop by 7:45 finish getting Tay ready get her to pre-school by 8:30. (which is not to hard because it is just down the street.) Then I have been going over to my Mother In-laws house and we have been canning the veggies from our gardens. (We did 20 pints of beets today) Then it is back to pick Taylor up from pre-school at a quarter to 11. John gets home at a quarter to 12. Then the girls get home about a quarter to 4. But pretty soon we will have Taylor's other pre-school starting and she will be in that Tuesday-Friday afternoons until about 4. Today I lost track of time visiting and canning and didn't make it home before John. But the back door was unlocked so John was able to get in the house at least. He only beat me home by about 10 minutes... but still I felt SOOO bad!

Also last week I started a new job at nights. I am going to be a cashier at Wal-Mart. I am really excited and so far have really enjoyed myself and the time with adults. I have already made a couple of new friends which is neat for me. Willie didn't really want me to go back. But is trying to support me any ways.

Well, it is off to go do some neglected house work.