Monday, October 18, 2010

My Girl

So Daisy is entering a contest at school for the DARE program. She has to create her own DARE t-shirt. I am not really sure what the winner gets, but this project is the kind of thing Daisy loves to do. So for the past week or so we have been talking about ideas. We went to Walmart and saw the skull and cross bones and she came up with this idea. So this past weekend we have been working on it. I basically just did the iron work of the skull and the DARE letters. She did the rest. The picture to the left is the back of the t-shirt. On the right is the front side. I am so proud of the job she did. I can't wait to hear what some of the other kids did!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Getting excited!

It is the holiday season again. Willie and my 31st birthday is right around the corner. Then you have Halloween which we have already started to get ready for.

I am thinking about have my first party this fall. A combined Halloween and birthday party. I think the kids would have fun with having some of their friends over for an evening of fun and games.
But what I am really getting excited about is not only the decorating but this year I am not working and I live right next door to my mother in law. Which means there will not be a lot of travel time to mess up baking for the holidays. It has become my favorite part of the whole holiday experience. We make all kinds of cookies and candies, and it is a lot of fun. I love how close Norma and I have gotten. Just thought I would share. Love ya all.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Glimmers Of Hope

As parents you always wonder if the things that you try to teach your children are making an impact. It seems that you have to repeat yourself so many times that they couldn’t possibly be learning. Then every once in a while they give you small glimmers of hope, when they don’t even know you are listening to them. For example we tell the kids “use your magic words” all the time. Taylor has been starting to take off with the older kids favorite toys which usually makes them scream “give it back, its mine!” She takes off running to me and says, “no! You didn’t say please!” To which the kids look at me like Mom get it back for me. I just shrug my shoulders and tell them to try asking nicely. Taylor usually gives what ever she has taken back after they ask nicely for it. I guess it is her way of getting the older kids attention. Also my small glimmer of hope that what we are trying to teach is working

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Songs that make us laugh

So almost 2 years ago now I was told that my husband and I where "Backwoods UN-educated hicks." Which at the time really bugged me. But we have come to embrace that and have made it a running joke in the house with the kids and each other. When Willie and I hear these songs we laugh and say they are our theme songs. Thought I would share and hope you get the laugh that Willie and I do.

Oh and since I have not written in a while. Things are good with us. We are starting the new year out happy. Daisy is starting the pre-teen drama already. Marybeth just got glass last month and is enjoying being able to see better. John boy just lost his first tooth. Taylor is slowly starting to behave better in class. Work is going great for me. I love being up at the Service Desk.