Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Oh what a summer

We have had a busy summer this year so far. It is about half over now and we still have some things planned.

For Willie and my ten year anniversary my Mom watched the kids for the weekend and we went camping and fishing. It was so much fun and so relaxing. We loved the alone time for 3 days.
When we got home we set up the tent and let the kids spend the night in it on our front lawn. Something would never even considered it in Arizona. They had so much fun. Taylor we wound up having to bring back inside because she just could not settle down and kept messing with the other kids.

The kids loved watching Mom play her games. They loved having her here in general. They really didn't want her to leave. She took John boy to see the new Transformers movie. He loved that.

The 4th of July weekend we went camping for the Snow Family Reunion. We had so much fun with that too. It rained off and on all weekend. This is a picture Daisy took of Taylor and I roasting marshmallows.

This is a picture of Willie and Aunt Carol making breakfast Saturday morning. We have a few more things planed too.