Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pics from Feb 8th

Well, my girl is now one year older. Daisy turned nine on the 9th of this month. She had a great birthday. She got pretty much everything she wanted on her list. She is still my little reader. Which I love. She comes out and tells me what is happening in her books all the time.

In school she is doing really good. She is still struggling on some of the math. But we are working together on helping her understand it. She also has been pushing the limits a bit to see how far she can go before she gets in trouble. Well, it was not far. Her teacher is a bit of a softy but Mom is not. I guess she and her friend have not been in the areas that they should be while at school. She is getting so big. I can't believe it some times when I look at her.

Daisy is becoming quit the artist. She loves to draw. She is learning how to shade in pictures and make things look 3d. It is really neat to see her talent grow. Also she has become really interested in Soft Ball. This spring I am thinking about signing her up.
Marybeth is doing great. She is well liked and quit out going. She can do great in school when she wants to. The teacher says she has those days where all her work comes in looking great and then there are those days where she does not apply herself and the papers do come as good. She has done better at her spelling test than I ever did that is for sure.

She is growing up fast too. She struggles a bit with reading. But she reads enough of the story that she knows what is happening. She does like reading so we are working on getting her skills up. She is so sweet and makes me smile a lot. Right now her biggest interest is Horses. She loves horses and is still trying to talk her Dad and I into getting one.
John boy is my cowboy. He is doing great in school. He is ahead of most of the class. He is doing really good in math and he is starting to read. He likes doing both. He loves to draw as well. He is not too bad either. I can already see that Daisy and him will have different styles. Which I fill is a good thing. John is turning 6 on the 25th of this month. He can't wait. But what kid can right. John is all boy. He loves getting dirty and teasing his sisters. Today he told me I needed to get Daisy to turn of her music so that he could concentrate of getting her to let him play with her. I heard Marybeth call him Johnny today and he told her that only his Great Grandma Erickson and Grandpa John could call him that. I thought that was really cute. I could not help but laugh.
Taylor is a little stinker most of the time. She loves getting her own way, and works pretty hard at it. The other day in the middle of the day she decided that she wanted a shower so she went potty in her pants. (Daisy had told me the last time that she did that because she knew I would give her a shower.) So when she asked I told her no. She cried for a bit the next thing I knew she was undressed and had spread pudding from head to toe. I have had my fingers crossed that none of my children would get the curses of being left handed like Willie and I. Well Taylor is a lefty. She is doing a lot better with talking. We can understand what she is saying most of the time now. Actually so can other people that don't spend as much time around her. She is such a sweet spirit when she wants to be.

I love all the kids and I am having tones of fun watching them grow up. I am still working nights at Walmart. I really do enjoy it. There is the drama that is always in the work place. But I still love having a job again and getting that little bit of out time.

Well, I must be off to bed. I will try writing again soon. Maybe post some of John's birthday pics.