Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Songs that make us laugh

So almost 2 years ago now I was told that my husband and I where "Backwoods UN-educated hicks." Which at the time really bugged me. But we have come to embrace that and have made it a running joke in the house with the kids and each other. When Willie and I hear these songs we laugh and say they are our theme songs. Thought I would share and hope you get the laugh that Willie and I do.

Oh and since I have not written in a while. Things are good with us. We are starting the new year out happy. Daisy is starting the pre-teen drama already. Marybeth just got glass last month and is enjoying being able to see better. John boy just lost his first tooth. Taylor is slowly starting to behave better in class. Work is going great for me. I love being up at the Service Desk.

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