Thursday, February 7, 2008

Taylor's adventures with the eye doctor.

Taylor when she was a year old had a surgery for a lazy eye. They hoped that they had corrected it and that I had a very small chance of the problem coming back. Well in the past few months Willie, her Grandma, and I have noticed things that made us wonder if she might need glasses. One thing I have also noticed is that her left eye has started to stray again. So I finally got her into the doctor today.

The above picture is Tay in the waiting turn. Yes she is holding a Bible I guess they are there just in case anyone wants to do some light reading. I do like seeing them there, I guess God has not been totally cut out of day to day life. Well, at least not in Utah.

This is Tay reading a Highlights magazine waiting for the doctor to come in and see her. She thought at least at that point sitting in the chair was neat.
John was very good and played is leapster for most of the time that we wear there. I think this look is saying "Mom not another picture!" So I didn't get any pictures of the actual exam because well Tay had to be on my lap and it was just John, Tay, and I. But Taylor did really good. She was able to see out of both eyes which is a great thing. She had her own way of telling the doctor which pictures she was seeing. Like the bird was a quack quack. The doctor laughed and said I will take that answer.
So the results are this. She has a very slight stigmatism and, she is mildly far sighted. He says the left eye muscles still seems to be weak and when it gets tired is when it strays. He said if we hadn't been seeing things that seemed to be bothering her he would probably just suggest watching it and see what would happen because it is so mild. But with the past history we decided that to help that muscle get some strength we would have her wear glasses. It will most likely not be a rest of her life thing. She could grow out of both problems. But for now the glasses will help her out.

I was able to get a picture of her trying on a pair. She tried on 2 purple pair, 2 pink pair, and a brown pair. When she put on the brown pair she pointed at the mirror and said "Daddy!" But in the end she like one of the purple pair the most. She was rather upset that we didn't leave the office with them but we explained that we had to get special lenses put in them just for her and then in about a week we would come pick them up.

Monday, February 4, 2008

We Say good bye

This weekend we said good bye to our Prophet. President Hinckley died of natural cause on the 27th of January. He was laid to rest on Saturday February 2nd. He was a great man, who spent his life serving the church. He will truly be missed. To honor him several people got together and put a challenge together which I have decided to participate in. The web site if you would like to do it as well is As of 1:07 pm 11676 people have also joined in the challenge. The challenge is to read the Book Of Mormon in 97 days. Because President Hinckley was 97 when he died. The web site gives you a place to help keep track of where you are. Also it tells you how many pages you have to read to be done by the 11th of May. You can also see the names and places where others doing the challenge live. Which was pretty neat as Willie and I where reading some of the names we saw Mitt Romney on there. Which we thought was pretty neat. Below is my graph, and I set up a separate account for the family so that I can read on my own as well as with the kids.

Anyway it is a nice goal and a neat way to honor such a great man.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Looking Back!

Well, looking back on the past month in pictures is neat. Then doing the scrapbook pages to go with them is awesome. If I can keep it up I think at the end of the year I am going to be very pleased with the finished product. I have really been impressed with some of the pictures I have taken. I would really like to get a new camera so that my shots would come out a little better. Maybe I can talk Willie into getting one for me for Mothers Day.

We are now in February which is already turning into a busy month. We have 2 birthdays this month. I am going on a field trip with the pre-school to the dinosaur museum we have here in town. Then we have well child check ups and Taylor is going to go see the eye doctor next week. Aunt Norma and I are planning a baby shower for the spring. I have been helping plan the snow family reunion for this summer.

We are also going to work on the flooring in the house. It is needing to be changed badly. The rooms look like patch work quilts. At one time I thought that might be cool to do. Until I actually lived in a house that had scrap pieces of carpet in many different shapes and sizes like this one does. Maybe its just the pattern who knows. The front room looks like it has a hard wood floor under the carpet. The carpet in that room is terrible. You can tell where the furniture has been for long periods of time. There is a big rip in the carpet over by the wood stove. Anyway it will be nice to get it worked out.

So, I will have many photo ops this month which should be fun.