We dug up all our potatoes last month. The picture is just of what we kept. We gave away quit a bit too. They did better than we thought they would so we had way to many. But that is ok, it was nice to share with our friends.

this is a picture that Daisy took. She has been asking me to teach her how to use my camera so I thought this was a perfect oppertunity. We also talked about the hot air balloons we used to see in Arizona all the time. It was fun and she did a good job.

We actually carved pumpkins this year for the first time since at least Marybeth was born. I think we might have done it once with Daisy. But I can't remember for sure. I do know it has been a long time. Aunt Norma and I had a lot of fun with the kids. I thought John would really get into it. But he didn't, the look on his face was all "you want me to do what?" Taylor dug right in and loved it. Her pumpkin was the cleanest and done first.

The kids had fun on Halloween. We went to a trunk or treat with Taylor's school. Willie took us out to dinner. Then I had to go to work. But the kids got pleanty of candy. They loved dressing up. Daisy was Hannah Montana, John was Batman, Marybeth was a southern bell, and Tay was a pumpkin.

This morning Willie told me before he left for work that it had snowed. I in my half awake state said "no it didn't I am not ready for the snow yet." He said no it really did. Well it was like an inch, and has pretty much melted off now. But it was still the first snow of the season and it came a month earlier than last year. Thought this picture would be neat with the snow on the pumpkin.