Wow, didn't realize how long it has been since my last post. I think about posting all the time and usually the day gets by me.
Well this week has had some good points to it. One is I finially got a Pediatrition on my side with Taylor and all that is her. We had a well child check up with her yesterday and he basically confirmed one thing I really already figured out on my own. She is developmentaly behind. Which is no surprise because she has been for a long time. When I watch her threw out the day I think she is more like a 5 year old than a 7. Well after describing things that she does, and telling him how I see the younger side of her (I guess you could call it.) the doc told me "well she is acting like a 3 to 4 year old." Which sent me for a bit of a loop. I knew she was behind by like a year or so but 3 to 4 years! But its true as I deal with her and think about some of the things she is doing she really is. Some people think she is messing with us, which on some level she a little. But things like wanting a band-aid on a 2 day old scrape because it "hurts" is a 3 year old thing. Having a sudden need to be tucked in every night. Those are just a few examples. So I am struggling with remembering the patients that I used to have for certain issues (like the band-aid thing) when she was 3 and 4. But it is so hard to not get so frustrated about things. God grant me the strength I need to help her with her needs.
Then I top of struggling with her I have Daisy coming in to her teenage years. She is so ornery so often. Today I finally told her not to talk if she couldn't be nice in words and tone. Seems like every other thing she says is mean and aimed at her siblings. Lets hope her attitude gets better not worse. But I don't old out to much hope for that to happen.