OK this is 2 pictures of a cross stitch I just finished. At the Snow Family Reunion we do a raffle and they ask that everyone donate something. I like to make something and buy one thing. So this years donation is this cross stitch. It only took me a couple of weeks to get it done. I really like how this one turned out. So does the horse lover in the house, Marybeth. I hope it is well liked at the reunion.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Latest Cross Stitch.
OK this is 2 pictures of a cross stitch I just finished. At the Snow Family Reunion we do a raffle and they ask that everyone donate something. I like to make something and buy one thing. So this years donation is this cross stitch. It only took me a couple of weeks to get it done. I really like how this one turned out. So does the horse lover in the house, Marybeth. I hope it is well liked at the reunion.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Update on our garden
The Museum
This weekend my best friend from Ogden came up to spend the weekend with us. On Saturday the 7 kids Becca and I set off for the museum that is about 4 blocks away. It was a nice day so walking was fun and got some of the wiggles out of the kids.
On the way there the girls held hands crossing the street. I couldn't help taking this picture of Kira talking on the play phone and holding Tay's hand. The first few times these girls hung out together they did not get along very well. But the past few times they have gotten along great. They spent a lot of time out on our trampoline.
This is one of the flags in the parking lot to the museum. I thought it was kind of neat.
This is the kids in the Kids Lab. I could not get all 7 kids to hold still long enough to get a good picture. This is the best I could do. Which I love because they where having fun.
This is my best friend doing one of the interactive displays. I really enjoy this museum.
Marybeth seemed to enjoy the hands on things.
Daisy loved reading everything. She liked the fossils and the different rocks. The younger kids kind of rushed her threw so I need to take her back so she can explore more. She really enjoyed the day.
Had to take a picture of the dino. What can I say I am a scrap booker!
The museum has a pond with fish in it. Marybeth had just fallen as well so the girls where worried about her. She was OK. All in all the day and the weekend was a lot of fun. But I must say I am not going to be in a rush to have 7 kids together for longer than a couple of hours for awhile. The weekend wore me out.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Boys will be boys.
I had to scold him a couple days after these pictures because he trapped the girls up on the trampoline with the water. They where all soaking wet when they got done.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Babies, boys, and kittens
Well, today my best friend came to visit for the weekend, and I realized some thing. My house is not really "baby proof" any more. As in the kids have toys now with small parts that can be put in the mouth. Babies LOVE to play in a bowl of water put down for the pets. I just had to laugh because my friend's one year old showed me how much things have changed in the house since Taylor is now 4. When the entire bowl of water for the cats got pored down the front of him and onto the floor.
We now have 5 more kittens. Daisy's cat Sweetie had another litter yesterday afternoon. There are 4 black ones with brown markings and a grey one. So we will be getting rid of those in about 7 weeks. And hopefully get her fixed before she has a third litter.
A couple of days ago Taylor came in from playing and her front side was wet. I was on the phone with my aunt and I told her I was not looking forward to going out to see what was going on. She said she could pretty much tell me what I would find. Well when I got out there I found that John had the water on and was standing in the middle of a mud puddle. He was dirty head to toe, eyes where sparkling and he was having a great time. I didn't bother to yell at him I just thought kids will be kids... and hey they are washable. I took some great pictures and as soon as I have time to down load them I will of course post them.
So that is what is up with us right now. Having fun with friends and family. Getting ready for a camping trip and injoying life.
We now have 5 more kittens. Daisy's cat Sweetie had another litter yesterday afternoon. There are 4 black ones with brown markings and a grey one. So we will be getting rid of those in about 7 weeks. And hopefully get her fixed before she has a third litter.
A couple of days ago Taylor came in from playing and her front side was wet. I was on the phone with my aunt and I told her I was not looking forward to going out to see what was going on. She said she could pretty much tell me what I would find. Well when I got out there I found that John had the water on and was standing in the middle of a mud puddle. He was dirty head to toe, eyes where sparkling and he was having a great time. I didn't bother to yell at him I just thought kids will be kids... and hey they are washable. I took some great pictures and as soon as I have time to down load them I will of course post them.
So that is what is up with us right now. Having fun with friends and family. Getting ready for a camping trip and injoying life.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Our Anniversary

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The yards.
I took this picture a couple of days ago for 2 reasons. One Daisy was being so nice to Taylor and sharing her Barbie head with her. I thought it was really cute. Daisy and Marybeth have been doing a lot better lately with playing and teaching Taylor things. It almost seems like they take turns playing with her. One of them will play with her for awhile and the next thing I know she the other sister will have taken over and she will be following them around. The other reason I took this picture was because Daisy was actually practicing a new thing her Aunt Tracy taught her. While we where in Ogden last week Tracy taught Daisy how to do a braid called a fish tail. (At least I think that was what it was called) She was teaching her on the tails and mains of My Little Pony's. Daisy did really good at it. When we got home she started practicing on her Barbie head which I am sure is a lot easier to do because it is not so small. Taylor is the only one right now with long enough hair to do the braid on but... well she is 4 and does not like to hold still to even have it put in a pony tail. She has better things to do.
This is a picture of one of the sides we did. We put a flower bed on each side of our step. After we got done planting the flowers Willie put a little white fence around it. The beds look very cute. The lady who lives next door loves what we are doing with the yards. She has lived in her house for 35 years and says this is the best the yards have looked for more than 10 years. No one on the street can believe how much work we are putting into the yards when we are only renting the place. But we are really enjoying it. We all get out there as a family and do what needs to be done. The kids are learning a lot and I think they enjoy the time with Willie and I.
All in all we are having a lot of fun in the yards. Now I just wish the weather would make up its mind and stay warm.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
What I have been up to.
We have planted a garden in our backyard. It is a pretty big one. We have lettuce, cucumbers, strawberries, peas, spinach, corn, green beans, potatoes, 3 different kinds of squash, and onions in it.
The kids have had a lot of fun helping plant things and watching them grow.
We have been so excited to see things start coming up. In this picture from left to right you can see half the row of spinach, 2 rows or corn, and a bit of the lettuce.
These are my strawberry plants. No garden is complete with out them, as far as I am concerned anyway. My mom always let me have some strawberry plants in her garden when I was a kid. So of course they where one of the first things I thought of.
As I mentioned before this past week we went up to Ogden. My Dad was in town for the week at his parents. So I got to visit with him. Which was cool because it has been awhile. Also I have a new great niece out there that I had to see. She is so cute. She was so sweet. Then my other niece was here with her boyfriend from Virgina. So we where really busy visiting with family and relaxing. The first thing of many events happening this summer. I need to get some pictures from my family because my camera is dieing on me. I will try and get those in the next few days and write again. I hope.
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