This weekend my best friend from Ogden came up to spend the weekend with us. On Saturday the 7 kids Becca and I set off for the museum that is about 4 blocks away. It was a nice day so walking was fun and got some of the wiggles out of the kids.
On the way there the girls held hands crossing the street. I couldn't help taking this picture of Kira talking on the play phone and holding Tay's hand. The first few times these girls hung out together they did not get along very well. But the past few times they have gotten along great. They spent a lot of time out on our trampoline.
This is one of the flags in the parking lot to the museum. I thought it was kind of neat.
This is the kids in the Kids Lab. I could not get all 7 kids to hold still long enough to get a good picture. This is the best I could do. Which I love because they where having fun.
This is my best friend doing one of the interactive displays. I really enjoy this museum.
Marybeth seemed to enjoy the hands on things.
Daisy loved reading everything. She liked the fossils and the different rocks. The younger kids kind of rushed her threw so I need to take her back so she can explore more. She really enjoyed the day.
Had to take a picture of the dino. What can I say I am a scrap booker!
The museum has a pond with fish in it. Marybeth had just fallen as well so the girls where worried about her. She was OK. All in all the day and the weekend was a lot of fun. But I must say I am not going to be in a rush to have 7 kids together for longer than a couple of hours for awhile. The weekend wore me out.
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