Here are the boys. These 4 kittens are the second litter that we have. They are all boys. We call the all black one Midnight because he is so black. Also when you look close he has white hair here and there. Not a lot just one piece. So it is almost like stars.

This kitty we call Patch because he is the only one of the 4 that has the brown spot. And it is just in that one place. So Patch just fits him well. Marybeth actually stepped on this one a couple of weeks ago and we where really worried about him. But he is just fine now. Does not like kids that much but what do you expect.

We call these 2 the twins. The only way you can really tell them apart, well at least I can. Is that the one on the right purrs every time I pick him up. So he gets called Little Buddy a lot. Because all the kittens like us but he is really the only one that purrs for me.
We are planning on getting them all new homes very very soon. Willie and I are going to miss them bunches. But we can not keep 11 cats all together.
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