The above picture is from my Grandma Erickson's garden. She always has pretty flowers. We just got back from Ogden last night. We drove out there on Friday night so Saturday we could do some shopping at Cosco for the Snow Family Reunion. Cosco is cheaper for things like forks and plates and cups. We had planed to come back on Saturday afternoon but we had so much fun hanging out with Tracy and her family that we decided to leave Sunday afternoon instead. I went to the craft store and got some supplies for cross stitching I have a new book I wanted to do some of the cross stitches out of. Daisy also wanted a new Hook Rug kit. She is working on a dog this time. Need to take a picture of the last one she did. Saturday night we also were able to go out with Tracy and Kirk for a double date. Our niece watched the kids for us. That was a lot of fun.
So this weekend is the family reunion. Then before school starts again we are going to go back to Ogden to get school outfits for the girls. John we will be able to find here because he wants all western wear. But last year we had a heck of a time finding Daisy's size jeans. I think Willie is going to take a long weekend so that he can come with us too. He has a couple days of pay vacation left.
Our garden is doing great. We will probably have cucumbers for part of dinner tonight. We had fried squash last night. Willie was a little bummed because our squash is not ready yet but his Uncle had plenty to share. Our peas are almost ready to pick and the corn is doing great as well. Last night the kitten we kept and the kitten we gave to a man whose back yard touches ours where playing in the garden together. That was cute to watch. Oh and the kitten came right up to Willie and I and gave us some love and played with me too.
Well I best be off. Need to do laundry and other chores. Have a good day!
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