We had a lot of fun at the reunion this past weekend. Saturday morning Willie and his Dad made breakfast for everyone that wanted to come up to the park. Then around 2 we had dinner. The first picture is the coolers that Leo helped us make, home made Root beer. It was great to see what happened after the dry ice got put it.

This is a picture of Daisy and a cousin playing in the grass waiting for dinner to start. They where inseparable the entire day. It was fun to watch all my kids and how they entertained themselves at the park. This year Daisy spent a lot of time just sitting in the shade talking about things with this cousin. Where the other 3 hardly sat still again. Also family gatherings are getting a lot funner for me because I don't have to constantly take care of a small child. The kids are to the point of being able to go play and just needing Willie and I every once in a while. So I actually get to have adult conversations. It is weird. :o)

This picture is of Uncle Ron cutting up one of the roasts that was cooked for the dinner. We had 51 pounds of roast and 50 pounds of chicken. Most of it got ate. There was a turn out of around 125 people. This years reunion was relaxing and fun.

This is a picture of Willie conducting some family business. Giving updates on some family members who where unable to attend. Asking for any suggestions for next years reunion. That sort of thing. Willie did a great job.

I can't remember this family members name but she gave a short history on Willie's Great Grandpa. It was very interesting to hear. She even has some clothing worn by early family members. I love hearing about the history of the family.

Every year we have a raffle, of things that are donated. Uncle Ron had the kids help pick the tickets out of the lunch bags for the winner of each thing. The kids really liked doing that. Each one of my kids got lucky this year and won a little something and I also got lucky and got a copy of a drawling done of Willie's Grandma Snow. She was a very sweet lady who was always very welcoming. I loved her the minute I meet her and miss her greatly.

This is a picture of the siblings that where able to make it this year. In the back is Willie's Dad, then Uncle Ron, Aunt Mira, Aunt Ester, and Aunt Carol. There was 2 more living siblings missing. But it was really fun being with these 5.
It was a fun but tiring weekend. Sunday after we said good bye to those who live else where Willie and I got a few things done around the house but we basically crashed.
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