I have not had much time to blog lately because we have been so busy trying to keep up on the garden. This first picture is of our cucumbers. That would should be ready to pick today.

This picture is of our lettuce. It is growing faster than we can eat it. So occasionally we cut a bunch off and go help the lady across the street feed her bunnies. She has a couple dozen at least.

Our corn is doing really well. We will have quit a bit of it. Some are almost ready to eat. The kids have had a lot of fun watching the corn. Maybe now I will be able to get them to eat it. Tay is about the only one who loves corn. But she eats just about everything.

We have been able to harvest quit a lot of peas. Mostly we have Daisy go out and pick them. Then she will come in and the kids all shell them. The peas are pretty much done for now... in the fall when it starts cooling down again we will hopefully get some more.

So we way over planted on potatoes. But we did not think that they would all come up because there has not been anything planted for so long. Much to our surprise they all came up. so we are going to have lots of potatoes to share with our friends and family.

This picture is of our 2 rows of green beans. They are starting to get flowers on so it should not be to much longer before we have some to eat and can. Which is exciting, I love fresh green beans.

We didn't plant many onions. We mostly wanted them for seasoning. Willie and I are not big onion people.

This picture is of our beats. We have not eaten many beat greens this year ourselves but the bunnies across the street love them. The beats seem to be doing well and are getting pretty big. Marybeth and of course Taylor are our beat girls.

We have 3 squash plants. One crook neck, a zucchini and a yellow squash plant. The crook and zucchini are doing really good. They yellow squash not so good. We have been enjoying fried squash a lot and this past weekend Willie made some zucchini bread. Which was very yummy.

So even with the never ending story of weeding, we have been having a lot of fun with the garden. We are very proud of it as well. When we started this adventure we didn't know a whole lot. This is our first garden on our own. The kids really seem to enjoy helping us pick the veggies. Thought I would share our successful garden.

Oh yea, we got our grass planted and it is coming in great. It has a lot of weeds right now but we will get rid of those slowly. When I took this picture I thought of a story I used to read as a kid about the little house on a hill and how the city was built around it and it got ran down then some one moved it back to the country. The little house in that book looked just this one.
1 comment:
Hi Sonya! What a beautiful garden you have! It's my goal to get a garden planted again next year. I had a very small one at my old house 2 yrs ago, but our yard isn't ready for one in this house. We have a much smaller yard now and there are big trees around, so finding the placement will be tricky! Enjoy all your yummy veggies.
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